
André Bonello

Head of Research and Advocacy Unit
Caritas Malta

2020 will be remembered as the year when humans stopped moving. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. Everything that was obvious become unclear and the future uncertain.

Who would have ever imagined that we would not be able to meet each other, to travel, to visit other countries, but instead would end up in an indefinite lockdown in our homes, with restrictions to where and when we can go out of doors? No one ever imagined that shopping malls, resorts, hotels, train stations, airports, parks, schools and universities would be completely deserted. All because of a virus that put humanity to its knees. A virus that cornered our governments. A virus that put the world into a recession. This is COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. An invisible indiscriminatory killer without mercy.

Malta is being hit by COVID-19 and the nation is experiencing a partial lockdown. It is like being in a scary Will Smith thriller – I am Legend or The Walking Dead, with the difference that this is real. Our health system, together with our government, is working day and night to find a way out from this nightmare. At around noon every day the Maltese nation stops, switches on the news and listens to the health commissioner announcing new cases. Days seem to be endless; people are feeling anxious, while the heroes working within our health departments are getting exhausted.

People are in need, more than ever. COVID-19 has hit humanity hard, but unfortunately all those who are vulnerable got hit the hardest. In Malta, we are seeing people getting their salaries cut or losing their jobs, entire families ending up homeless because they could not pay their rents, and elderly people becoming more and more isolated. Therefore, Caritas Malta had to take a step forward and be on the frontline to help those who are suffering. Our offices are shut down, but our telephone lines are open for all those who are in need and want to speak because they feel anxious, because they are lonely, because they lack food. And yes, we have people on the ground who are taking the necessary measures and delivering food to those who are in need. Caritas Malta’s Director together with the management and staff are in operation to fulfil the mission of our organisation. The aim is to safeguard the most vulnerable, and these people are making sure that this happens.

We are seeing two different realties in Malta. On a positive side, we are seeing the authorities who are trying their best to help the people, including organisations and individuals who are sensitive to the needs of the most vulnerable. On a negative side, there are those who are in a position to abuse the system and increase prices for their advantage. As Caritas Malta, we are appealing to:

  • all those who are giving a paid service, such as food markets, to not increase prices;
  • landlords to be sensitive to those who are paying rent;
  • authorities to keep putting the most vulnerable on their agenda;
  • NGO’s to unite with each other to provide a stronger common service for the community.

COVID-19 is a living nightmare, but this will be an eye opener for humanity. We as humans will understand to appreciate and value the importance of life, and of each other. It is time to reflect among ourselves. The earth needed a break, it clearly was showing us that it was getting tired. We are going through darkness, but once we will get out from this tunnel and into the light, we must never forget this episode. We must value life, our environment and most of all our brothers and sisters. God is telling us: “Why are we afraid? Have we no faith?” We are all on this boat together, like the apostles in Mt 14, 22-33. God is asking us to have faith as the storm will calm down. The storm brings fear, but we must have faith that we will be saved.

Living through this experience gives me the understanding of what it is to truly be on the side of people in need. Humanity is in crisis. But as a caterpillar, humanity will change and become a beautiful butterfly.