Caritas Europa has joined Social Services Europe in welcoming the adoption of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) by the European Parliament.

In a context of increasing social needs and decreasing social investment at national level, this programme is vital in contributing to funding both innovation and continuity in quality social service provision. It can improve directly and immediately the quality of life of all people in Europe.

However, there are still concerns about the delays in the negotiations and the potential support to the most deprived. A delay or disruption in the process to approve the ESF+ or a decrease in its budget would seriously endanger the continuity and quality of the provision of social services in Europe. In view of the proximity of the European elections and the configuration of a new European Parliament, Caritas Europa and Social Services Europe urge Member States to work towards reaching a final agreement on the ESF+ and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 before May 2019.