Caritas Europa co-signed a statement with other Christian organisations to call on the European Union to take concrete steps at COP28.

Despite initial doubts, the unfolding COP28 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Dubai is critical in fulfilling the Paris Agreement’s goals. Pope Francis’s recent exhortation “Laudate Deum” emphasises hope amid the climate crisis, stressing the urgency to protect all human beings, particularly the most vulnerable.

Caritas Europa, with other faith-based organisations, recognises the importance of COP28, echoing the Pope’s call for a historic event that should put the dignity of the person at the centre.

Climate scientists increasingly link climate change to human activity, notably the use of fossil fuels, as highlighted in the UN Emissions Gap Report 2023.

Scientists also agree that failing climate commitments could substantially increase temperature, endangering global biodiversity and exacerbating inequalities, particularly impacting the Global South; therefore, the Global North should be responsible for a just transition, ensuring adequate support for those at the forefront of the climate emergency.

Therefore we urge ambitious actions at COP28, including enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), phasing out fossil fuels globally, delivering committed climate finance to developing nations, and prioritising funding for the recently approved Loss & Damage scheme.