Caritas Europa produced a briefing paper with recommendations to implement the Social Economy Action Plan at a national level. This document is based on Caritas Europa’s policy paper.

With its focus on social and ecological impact, the social economy has a crucial role to play in the context of widening inequality and climate change in Europe and globally. This is particularly evident with regard to the importance of social economy in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its Action Plan, for the COVID-19 recovery, as well as for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Caritas Europa calls on its member organisations to influence their Member States’ national social economy strategies in regard to the recommendations in our policy paper. Caritas Europa calls on its member organisations to influence their Member States’ national social economy strategies in regard to the recommendations in our policy paper. We also call on them to monitor the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP) in their Member States and to advocate for their national governments to implement the relevant initiatives in the Action Plan, such as the Council Recommendation on social economy framework conditions and the introduction of social economy ambassadors. Member States should be more ambitious in promoting the social economy in Europe and globally. This must be done in partnership with all social economy stakeholders and civil society, ensuring clarity and coordination between the actors.