
Charel Krieps

Humanitarian Officer
Caritas Europa

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has mobilised people across Europe who help the millions of people in need.

Local Caritas organisations – from Ukraine to Portugal and from Turkey to Norway are providing food and shelter to persons who had to flee their homes and are raising funds for emergency support programmes. And Caritas in Russia is no exception.

As a Church organisation, Caritas supports people in need independently of any political agenda. For this reason, the Catholic Church and structures such as Caritas are among the few actors that can still provide support to communities on both sides of the conflict.

Although the Russian Catholics are few in number, Caritas also embodies the Church’s mission in the Russian Federation, as indicated by the words of the Holy Father. 

A Church without charity does not exist.

Pope Francis

Since February 2022, Caritas South of Russia has scaled up its charitable efforts and currently supports 400 persons in Volgograd, Saratov and Rostov regions.

Many people arriving from conflict zones in these south-western regions of Russia have relatives or friends with whom they stay. Others are staying in shelters provided by the State. But others know no one and need support. Caritas South of Russia provides up to 5,000 roubles (around 82 euros) per month per person to cover their basic needs, including food, hygiene items and clothes. 

This help is delivered as a cash modality by either reimbursing the relevant expenses or accompanying those in need to shops and paying for their items.

Whenever possible, Caritas collaborates and coordinate with local authorities and charitable structures. The ongoing project will run until January 2023. 

Caritas South of Russia also continues its other programmes that have been ongoing even before the start of the current hostilities and the escalation of the conflict. 

These programmes include helping homeless people and impoverished families and children. Caritas South of Russia also runs activities for adults and children with disabilities.

Caritas South of Russia is one of the three diocesan organisations of Caritas Russia.